Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas 2008 in Central Texas

Too much time on my hands playing on the computer today when I should be doing more important things.....oh well.....I'm having fun! Made this mosaic here. Click on a photo to enlarge the mosaic. It pays to hang out with teenagers :D
Thanks for the tech support, Jess!!


Jemminaye said...

Very Nice! Thanks for the site, I'm going to play with it soon! Jess's Tech Support is open 7 days a week from 8am to 12am, for a small fee of food I'll be happy to help you with all your Tech needs :-)

Really Good shots by the way. I think my favorite is the one of Big Daddy and the two little boys at the dinner table. It looks so gorgeous out there, I want to go and take pictures with you!

Alisa Noble said...

I'm right there with you. I've spent way too much time on my computer too. But I think it's justified, since I hardly looked at the computer before the holidays.

Oh, and you are right about my journey. I'm not going anywhere!

Have a beautiful weekend!

rochambeau said...

Very nice montage Allie! Happy New Year!! YES really do hope you will come North East this year!! Would love to meet you!


Cindy said...

Your mosaic turned out good! Yeah, I spent too much time on it too! :D

Here's to a good new year for us all!


Merisi said...

That was time well spent, I must say!
I always wanted to know how to put together these mosaics, thank you so much for the link. I am not a member of Flickr, who knows, you may just have tempted me enough to become one. ;-)

Happy New Year! :-)

John Going Gently said...

cracking scottie!