While visiting my parents at the lake, we actually were up at about 6:30 am and saw the most amazing sun rise come up over the lake. While I'm not a morning person (which really is a bother since I'm a school teacher!....I didn't like getting up early for school as a kid.......and now I have to be at school before the students!!), we happened to be up early in preparation for driving to Austin to visit some colleges with the Cupcake Princess. I've learned it's best to keep my camera near me at all times while we're at the lake......you never know what you might see! I'm definitely an amateur photographer, but I'm pleased with what I captured. It's so still, quiet, and peaceful in the mornings. Weather permitting, we drink coffee, read the paper and eat breakfast out on the deck as the day unfolds.
That particular night was one night before a full moon. The moon rose up over the lake like a white orb, leaving a trail of silver shimmer on the water. My little camera isn't fancy or high tech and I'm still figuring out all of the settings so I was shooting wildly as the moon continued to rise, continually changing settings. I think this is probably the best of the bunch taken that night. What a beautiful evening it was. A cool breeze is always blowing and the night time sounds of nature make the evening magical.......going home is such a welcomed retreat for the soul.
Dear Allie,
Beautiful photo!!!
Thank you for visiting me. Yes we are moving to Tx...To Jefferson. I did live in Dallas for many years and my best friend is still there. We will have to meet sometime!!
Have a wonderful time in Austin!
Allie, you may be an "amateur" photograher in your words, but there is nothing amateur about these shots -- they are gorgeous.
you have become a veritable master at getting the best out of your camera, these are truly beautiful shots!
I read that Constance is moving to Texas, such a small world. She has been an inspiration to me for a long time.
I am so happy you started blogging, you are such a great and creative writer, the blog world would have missed out on a lot with you only lurking behind the curtains. ;-)
Very nice shots, im really impressed.
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