Thursday, July 3, 2008


Don't you just HATE it when you WANT to do one thing but you can't because you HAVE to do another? That's where I've been the last couple of days! I'm off for the summer from teaching school, however, I'm also working on my Master's degree in Education Administration. It's all done on-line through a university here in Texas which is great, but, each week's project and readings and lectures are eating into my summer fun time!!

The good part is that this week's project is to create a blog site. It's supposed to be just an opportunity to try out the technology and we're supposed to leave an opinion piece about one of the other parts of our project. I figured that if I was going to go to all of the trouble to build another blog site, I'd make it something that was fun and that I could use during the school year. My hope is that it can be a place where teachers, new teachers especially, can go for resources, reflection, retreat, and maybe a giggle or two. Maintaining two sites may be more than I can handle, but.........nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Had to get away from school work for a minute and catch up on my "fun" site. So, just about another hour or two on this weeks work and then off to have some fun! Friends just called to have lunch at a Mexican betcha!!!


Sherry said...

Allie this sounds like something you can handle and do it well...from what I've seen here where you have "fun". Working towards your masters is excellent!! But no, I wouldn't relish the idea of classes (even on line) during the lovely summer months. do what you can with the time you have.

Now lunch with friends at a Mexican restaurant..oh that would be "so can do" for me!! Have fun!

Alisa Noble said...

Good luck... you can do it! :)
Mmmmm, Mexican.

Allie said...

Sherry~ Had a tasty fajita salad with 3 friends. It WAS fun!

Alisa~ Thanks for the well wishes. For now, I just want a good grade on the other site. Yes, Mexican, mmmmmmm!

Merisi said...

Fajita salad?
Gotta check the flight schedule,
I am coming! :-)

Sorry, got carried away (I brake for fajita anything!!!!). All I wanted to do was to share a good giggle over the fact that all of a sudden blog-less Allie has two blogs. *gigggggle*

Oh, it's wonderful, of course!

Merisi said...

Maybe is SHOULD have written "I break for fajita" ....
*drats* gotta go to the bank instead. *drats again*
(would you believe that I have a McDonalds only three blocks away? Do they have fajita salad?)