Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Life goes on...........

And now it's over........yea! I went in yesterday morning at 6 am and came home at 12:30 yesterday afternoon. Surgery went fine. Recovery is coming along......not fast enough for my liking, but what else do I have to do during Summer break from school? Thank you Alisa and Sherrie for your kind thoughts. I got up early today and this hibiscus bloom greeted me on my patio. I bought this plant at Home Depot two years ago and it survives in the Texas sun and heat and comes inside the house in the winter and stands quietly in it's pot trying to survive the dark days. But every Spring, I put it back out and it blooms again. A little reminder that life does go on and little bumps in the road don't need to slow down one's progress. What a beautiful red!

I've been tagged by Alisa from and I'm always up for some fun, even with a pillow on my belly, so here goes..........

1. What was I doing 10 years ago:

I was working in the Dallas fasion industry as an assistant designer, a job I loved, but it's hours and stress load didn't go well with raising a young Cupcake Princess.

2. Five things on my to-do list:

  • Order Cupcake Princesses contacts refill
  • Schedule appoint for Cupcake Princesses Senior portraits
  • Start organizing photos for Cupcake Princesses High School scrap book that I'm making
  • Register for Instructional Leadership Development course
  • Rest and recover from stupid gall bladder surgery

3. 5 snacks I enjoy (how can I choose only 5?!)

  • chips and salsa
  • chips and queso
  • chips and quacamole
  • puffed cheetos
  • peanut M&M's

4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire:

  • pay off debt
  • help out some family members
  • send Cupcake Princess to NYU Theatre School
  • go on another European River cruise with Big Daddy
  • buy a villa in Tuscany and grow olives and sunflowers
  • buy an apartment in downtown Vienna for me and Big Daddy to stay in during Opera Season

5. Places I've lived:

  • Texas (Dallas, Denton, Killeen)
  • Virginia (North and South Arlington)
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • Oklahoma
  • Kansas
  • Germany

Must go get dressed as one of my team mates from school is bringing over a dinner for me and the family. I work with some GREAT people!!


Alisa Noble said...

I'm so glad you are doing well!
Your Hibiscus is gorgeous. I put one in the ground once... didn't make it through the winter. :(

Lolly said...

I love your blog! I live in Manassas, VA, about 30 miles from Arlington! Small world!
I am having a giveaway on my blog so be sure to visit and leave a comment!

Sherry said...

Great meme Allie!

Glad to hear all went well with the surgery and now it's time to just take it slow and recover...your hibiscus is gorgeous and having something beautiful to gaze upon does help with recovery -- that's a fact! And having good friends who bring food and look after some of the every day things while we take time to recover is one of the best blessings ♥